Mimi Lau, "'American dream’ becomes a nightmare for Chinese workers left stranded in Saipan," South China Morning Post, December 27, 2017 (quoting Aaron Halegua on the vulnerability of the foreign workers in Saipan and the need to pay greater attention to labor issues arising as part of the Belt and Road Initiative).
"Aaron Halegua博士等人应邀请为我院师生开展讲座" ["Aaron Halegua Invited to give Lecture to Graduate Students"], Institute for Human Rights, China University of Political Science and Law, December 1, 2017 (describing Aaron Halegua's lecture at a law school in Beijing).
"第七届中美司法与人权研讨会在纽约举行" ["Seventh Sino-American Dialogue on the Rule of Law and Human Rights Held in New York"], Xinhua, November 16, 2017 (describing this track-two dialogue in which Aaron Halegua participated as part of the American delegation).
2017 Annual Report, Congressional-Executive Commission on China, October 5, 2017 (cited Aaron Halegua's work in four sections: Worker Rights, Human Trafficking, Civil Society, and Access to Justice).
"Workers, disunited," The Economist, August 17, 2017 (quoting Aaron Halegua on difficulties in enforcing China's labor law for migrant workers) (PDF available here).
仍有四十多名中国工人被困塞班岛 [Over 40 Chinese Workers Still Stranded in Saipan], Voice of America Televsion (Mandarin) (美国之音), June 30, 2017 (television news interview of Aaron Halegua on the protesting Chinese construction workers in Saipan).
Stephanie Hoi-Nga Wong, "The Chinese Labor Activist Who Wants Ivanka Trump to 'Take Responsibility'," Bloomberg Politics, June 15, 2017 (quoting Aaron Halegua on the importance of independent monitors as the only way to corroborate or challenge what brands report about conditions in their supply chains).
Keith Bradsher, "U.S. Presses China to Free Activists Scrutinizing Ivanka Trump Shoe Factory," New York Times, June 6, 2017 (quoting Aaron Halegua on the role of independent monitors in combatting labor abuse in the supply chains of multinational companies).
"The story of a missing man, a Chinese factory & Ivanka Trump," Dazed Digital, June 1, 2017 (quoting Aaron Halegua on labor conditions in the apparel sector in China and the disappearance of labor NGO workers investigating Ivanka Trump's supplier factories).
塞班岛再爆中国工人抗议 [Another Eruption of Chinese Worker Protests in Saipan], Voice of America (Mandarin) (美国之音), May 26, 2017 (quoting Aaron Halegua on the efforts to resolve the labor disputes involving Chinese construction workers in Saipan).
时事看台:中国工人被困塞班岛时间分析 [Current Events: Analysis of Chinese Workers Trapped in Saipan], Voice of America Television (Mandarin) (美国之音), May 17, 2017 (television news interview of Aaron Halegua about exploited Chinese construction workers in Saipan).
Cora Lewis and Megha Rajagopalan, "The People's Burger?" BuzzFeed, April 14, 2017 (quoting Aaron Halegua on the potential labor consequences of CITIC's purchase of McDonald's China business).
"Legal Challenges Facing Chinese Workers," National Committee on U.S.-China Relations, December 1, 2016 (Q&A podcast with Aaron Halegua and Margot Landsman of the NCUSCR).
Dexter Roberts, "Beijing Wants One Union to Rule Them All," Bloomberg Businessweek, November 10, 2016 (quoting Aaron Halegua on the reform of China's official trade union, the ACFTU).
"Trials May Spell End of Era for Chinese Labor Activism," China Digital Times, October 25, 2016 (discussing Aaron Halegua's report on labor rights in China and quoting his Q&A with the Wall Street Journal).
Chun Han Wong, "Protecting Workers’ Rights in China: Q&A with Aaron Halegua," Wall Street Journal, October 19, 2016.
Rick Bales, "Halegua: Who Will Represent China's Workers?" Workplace Prof Blog, October 6, 2016 (posting about Aaron Halegua's new report, Who Will Represent China's Workers? Lawyers, Legal Aid, and the Enforcement of Labor Rights).
Peter Harmsen, "Tumultuous Spring" [Uroligt forar], Weekendavisen, April 21, 2016 (quoting Aaron Halegua on why strikes in China are increasing and becoming more difficult to settle). (English translation).
Rebecca McCray, "China's Growing Labor Movement Threatens Beijing," TakePart, March 16, 2016 (quoting Aaron Halegua on the reasons for the rise in strikes and labor unrest in China, including the economic downturn, increased worker consciousness, and the lack of an effective trade union or other means of negotiating between workers and management).
Simon Denyer, "Strikes and workers' protests multiply in China, testing party authority," Washington Post, February 25, 2016 (discussing the Washington Post op-ed by Aaron Halegua, Eli Friedman, and Jerome Cohen concerning China's crackdown on labor activists).
Tom Phillips, "He Xiaobo: latest victim of China's crackdown on labour activists," The Guardian, February 2, 2016 (discussing the Washington Post op-ed by Aaron Halegua and two co-authors noting China's attempt to stamp out labor activism "once and for all").
美国学者:当局打压使中国陷入无法状态 [American Scholar: Government Suppression has lead China into Lawless State], Voice of America Television (Mandarin) (美国之音), January 13, 2016 (interview of Aaron Halegua about the crackdown on labor activists and rights-defense lawyers in China).
"China, US law experts discuss human rights issues," Shanghai Daily, December 8, 2015 (discussing Sixth Annual Sino-U.S. Dialogue on the Rule of Law and Human Rights to which Aaron was part of the American delegation).
"Should the Law on Tipping be Changed?" NYU Law School, December 2, 2015 (video of Aaron Halegua moderating and speaking on a panel at NYU Law School's Center for Labor and Employment Law).
Rich Calder and Danika Fears, "Sleazer geezer says he’s too old to sexually harass employee," New York Post, November 3, 2015 (discussing sexual harassment case litigated by Aaron Halegua and colleagues at The Legal Aid Society that resulted in the highest fine ever issued against an employer by the New York City Commission of Human Rights at that time).
Aaron Halegua's book chapter on Chinese immigrant workers selected as the "Immigration Article of the Day" by the ImmigrationProf Blog, October 12, 2015.
Sukjong Hong, "‘This only happened because people organized.’ Nail salon workers speak out after NYT exposé," Fusion, August 24, 2015 (a graphic report referencing the Babil Nails case and SWEAT campaign).
Ileana Najarro, "New York, Combating Worker Abuse, Mandates Salon Owners to Secure Wage Bonds," New York Times, August 10, 2015 (discussing the large judgment obtained but difficulty of collection in the Babi Nails case).
Jessica Mudditt, "Gap and H&M back Myanmar path to labour reform," Just-Style, June 24, 2015 (discussing elements of the labor law reform plan presented by Aaron Halegua on behalf of the ILO in Yangon, Myanmar in May 2015).
International Labour Organization, "Stakeholders Forum on Labour Law Reform," ILO Website, Yangon, Myanmar (May 18-19, 2015) (official notes from the two-day conference in Yangon, including Aaron Halegua's presentation on potential strategies for labor law reform.)
Allissa Wickham, "Immigration Status Won't Block Uptick in Nail Worker Suits," Law360, May 14, 2015 (discussing the Babi Nails case and the Legal Aid Society's representation of nail salon workers).
Sarah Maslin Nir, "The Price of Nice Nails," New York Times, May 7, 2015 (discussing the $474,000 court award obtained by Aaron Halegua in the Babi Nails case in highlighting the difficulties of collecting court judgements) (Chinese version here).
Jim Dwyer, "Awarded Stolen Wages, Workers Struggle to Collect," New York Times, February 19, 2015 (discussing legislative effort to combat wage theft and featuring the Babi Nails case, which was succesfully litigated by the Legal Aid Society but in which the employers have evaded paying the full amount of the judgment).
“Foreign Firms Often Lose Out on Attorney-Client Privilege,” Wall Street Journal, February 17, 2015 (discussing a successful motion concerning attorney-client privilege for Chinese in-house counsel in a case against Bank of China).
“Out brothers, out! Guangdong province pioneers a new approach to keeping workers happy,” The Economist, January 31, 2015 (quoting Aaron Halegua on the significance of Guangdong Province's new collective negotiation regulations).
"美移民遇老板欠薪,法律援助处施手全讨回" (Immigrants in US Encounter Unpaid Wages, Legal Aid Society Recovers it All ), 新唐人 TV (NTDTV), December 12, 2014 (discussing recovery of $68,000 on behalf of four Chinese construction workers from employer who had already declared bankruptcy).
David Weil, The Fissured Workplace: Why work became so bad for so many and what can be done to improve it (Harvard University Press, 2014), p. 256 (discussing Babi Nail salon case as example of immigrant workers coming forward to exercise their rights).
Celeste Katz, "EXCLUSIVE: Judge says pervy boss, 88, should get $380G slap for sexual harassment of employee that included mocking, licking," New York Daily News, March 18, 2014 (discussing award of emotional distress damages and lost wages in sexual harassment case litigated by Aaron Halegua and colleagues at The Legal Aid Society).
"The Legal Aid Society: Part of the Fabric of New York City," Legal Aid Society (available on YouTube) (uploaded May 14, 2012, starting at 2:14) (Aaron Halegua discussing his representation of Chinese immigrant workers).
Sarah Maslin Nir, “Saying Court Win Helps, Nail Salon Workers Rally,” New York Times, April 10, 2012 (discussing the jury verdict obtained on behalf of Babi Nails workers by Aaron Halegua and The Legal Aid Society).
Robert E. Kessler, “Former salon worker hails $250G verdict,” Newsday, April 10, 2012 (discussing successful jury verdict in Babi Nails case).
“华人工友讨回欠钱为由拒付的工资” (Chinese Worker Recovers Unpaid Wages), 侨报 (China Press), May 9, 2011 (describing successful settlement obtained for worker in which he recovered his unpaid wages and his employer's claims against him were dismissed).
Sinovision (美国中文网), “失业金勿冒领政府查出必追还” (“Don’t Falsely Claim Unemployment Benefits; the Government will Recover Them”), February 20, 2011 (interview of Aaron Halegua by Chinese-language television concerning unemployment benefits).
Robert E. Kessler, “Nail salon owners accused of illegal firing,” Newsday, January 5, 2011 (discussing NLRB’s issuance of complaint against nail salon).
Sinovision (美国中文网), December 3, 2010 (news report on free legal aid clinic in Sunset Park, Brooklyn).
"Employment Law Unit Wins Benefits for Nail Salon Worker," Legal Aid Society, June 30, 2010 (discussing case in which Aaron Halegua assisted Chinese nail salon worker to obtain unemployment benefits) (Chinese media coverage here).
Edward Wong, "As China Aids Labor, Unrest Is Still Rising," New York Times, June 20, 2010 (quoting Aaron Halegua on the impact of the Labor Contract Law).
"Halegua on Getting Paid: Processing the Labor Disputes of China's Migrant Workers," Workplace Prof Blog, May 27, 2008 (discussing Aaron Halegua's law review article on Chinese migrant workers' efforts to recover unpaid wages).