“Enforcing Rights and Remedies through Litigation (Imperial Pacific Case Study),” International Labor Migration: Lawyering for Social Justice in Comparative Contexts, Harvard Law School, Cambridge, MA (January 7, 2025).

“Litigation under the Trafficking Victims Protection Act,” Rutgers Law School, New York, NY (November 19, 2024).

“Litigation under the Trafficking Victims Protection Act,” Wage Theft: Employee Rights and Employer Responsibilities, Fordham Law School, New York, NY (November 13, 2024).

“China-related Litigation and Public Interest Work in America,” Society for Chinese Law, Columbia University Law School (October 1, 2024).

“Global Supply Chain Accountability,” American Bar Association Section of Labor & Employment LawInternational Labor and Employment Law Committee, Midyear Meeting, Mexico City, Mexico (May 8, 2024).

“Enforcing Rights and Remedies through Litigation (Imperial Pacific Case Study),” International Labor Migration: Lawyering for Social Justice in Comparative Contexts, Harvard Law School, Cambridge, MA (January 9, 2024).

“Litigation under the Trafficking Victims Protection Act,” Wage Theft: Employee Rights and Employer Responsibilities, Fordham Law School, New York, NY (November 15, 2023).

“Immigration Implications fo Mass Layoffs,” American Bar Association 17th Annual Labor and Employment Law Conference, Seattle, WA (November 11, 2023).

“U.S. Legal Responses to Forced Labor,” U.S.-China Track II Dialogue on the Rule of Law and Human Rights, Beijing, China and Zoom (November 8-9, 2023).

“Combating Forced Labor on U.S. Soil,” 2023 International Conference on Abuse, Hope Pyx Global, Houston, Texas (October 26, 2023).

“U.S. and European Legal Responses to Chinese Forced Labor,” University of Oxford China Centre, Oxford, United Kingdom (October 16, 2023).

“Enforcing Rights and Remedies through Litigation (Imperial Pacific Case Study),” International Labor Migration: Lawyering for Social Justice in Comparative Contexts, Harvard Law School, Cambridge, MA (January 17, 2023).

“Chinese Outbound Direct Investment,” Royal University of Law and Economics, Phnom Penh, Cambodia (December 2, 2022).

Trainer, “Advanced Training for Expert Witnesses in Human Trafficking Cases,” Human Trafficking Legal Center & HEAL Trafficking (June 16, 2022).

“An Overview of Labor Rights on the BRI,” China, Law and Development, University of Oxford (June 9, 2022).

“Domestic Litigation of International Workplace Claims,” National Academy of Arbitrators, Toronto, Canada (May 12, 2022).

“Migration in Times of Crisis: The Worker and Employer Perspective,” American Bar Association Section of Labor & Employment LawInternational Labor and Employment Law Committee, Midyear Meeting, Berlin, Germany (May 5, 2022).

“The Future of Women in China: #MeToo, Censorship, and Gender Inequality,” testimony before the Congressional-Executive Commission on China, Washington, D.C. (March 1, 2022).

“Fighting Forced Labor in the U.S. Construction Industry,” Inaugural Lecture, Values in Action Lecture Series, The Center for Jewish Studies, Queens College, Queens, NY (February 23, 2022).

“Forced Labor in Saipan: Tianming Wang v. Gold Mantis,” St. John’s University School of Law, EDNY Federal Bar Association, New York International Law Review, Center for Labor and Employment Law, Queens, NY (February 10, 2022).

“Enforcing Rights and Remedies: Courts and Other Private Governance Approaches (Imperial Pacific Case Study),” International Labor Migration: Lawyering for Social Justice in Comparative Contexts, Harvard Law School, Cambridge, MA (January 12, 2022).

“Legal Advocacy on China’s Belt and Road Initiative,” Innovation for Change-East Asia (June 29, 2021).

Tianming Wang v. Gold Mantis Construction Decoration, LLC,” Strategic Litigation to Combat Human Trafficking Lessons Learned, The Human Trafficking Legal Center, Washington, D.C. (April 29, 2021).

“Labor Protections for Overseas Chinese Workers,“ U.S.-Asia Law Institute, NYU Law School, New York, NY (April 7, 2021).

“Civil Litigation as a Tool to Combat Forced Labor in Global Supply Chains,” Harvard Law School, Cambridge, MA (March 26, 2021).

“Asian Supply Chains & Human Rights,” NYU Law School, New York, NY (March 24, 2021).

“Labour Law in China,” China Law Conference, University of Toronto Faculty of Law, Toronto, ON (March 12, 2021).

“Forced Labor in Saipan,” Lawyers Without Borders Edinburgh, The University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland (February 19, 2021).

“Enforcing Rights and Remedies: Courts and Private Governance Approaches,” International Labor Migration: Lawyering for Social Justice in Comparative Contexts, Harvard Law School, Cambridge, MA (January 13, 2021).

“China in U.S. Courts,” Columbia Law School, New York, NY (March 23, 2020).

“Corporate Accountability for Labor Violations in Supply Chains,“ Open Society Foundations, New York, NY (March 3, 2020).

“Forced Labor in Saipan,” Course on International Labor Migration: Lawyering for Social Justice in Comparative Contexts, Harvard Law School, Cambridge, MA (February 27, 2020).

“Forced Labor in the Construction Industry: Tianming Wang v. Gold Mantis Construction Decoration, LLC,” Strategic Litigation to Combat Human Trafficking Lessons Learned, The Human Trafficking Legal Center, Washington, D.C. (February 13, 2020).

“Who Will Represent China’s Workers?” Hunter College, New York, NY (November 12, 2019).

"Labor and Human Rights Issues in the U.S. and China," Ninth Sino-American Dialogue on the Rule of Law and Human Rights, New York, NY (October 28-29, 2019) (Chinese).

“The Deepening of Legal Preemption in China: How Government Legal Aid Was Developed to Control Workers and Their Advocates,” China’s Legal Construction Program at 40 Years - Towards an Autonomous Legal System?, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI (October 12, 2019).

“Labor Conditions along the Belt and Road: Issues facing and remedies available to overseas Chinese workers,” Regulating for Decent Work Conference, International Labor Organization, Geneva, Switzerland (July 10, 2019).

"Navigating the Belt and Road Initiative," Asia Society, New York, NY (June 20, 2019) (panel video).

“International Approaches to Sexual Harassment Law” [反性骚扰法律比较研究研讨会], Sichuan University, Chengdu, China (June 1-2, 2019).

“Labor Dimensions of the Belt and Road Initiative: A case study of exploited Chinese workers in Saipan” [“ 一带一路” 的劳动力维度:塞班岛被剥削的中国工人案例研究], U.S. Embassy, Beijing, China (May 31, 2019).

“Recent Developments in U.S. Sexual Harassment Law,” Institute for Human Rights, Chinese University of Political Science and Law, Beijing, China (May 28, 2019).

“Future of Labour Law,” International Labour Organization, Beijing, China (May 25-26, 2019).

“Fashion Revolution USA Roundtable Discussions,” Fashion Revolution USA, Brooklyn, NY (April 23, 2019).

"A Legal Perspective on Labor Rights Enforcement in China," The Jasic Conflagration: Assessing the State of Labor Politics in China, University of Hong Kong-Cornell Global China Program on Labor and Migration, New York, NY (April 12, 2019).

Moderator, “Are we making workers’ lives better: worker feedback technology and combating slavery in supply chains,” Issara Institute and Brown University, San Francisco, CA (March 29, 2019).

“#MeToo Movement in China,” Sarah Lawrence College Asia Summit 2019, Bronxville, New York (March 7, 2019) (panel video).

“Fighting Human Trafficking and Labor Exploitation on U.S. Soil: Chinese Construction Workers in Saipan,“ Harvard Trade Union Program, Cambridge, MA (February 12, 2019).

"The #MeToo Movement and Sexual Harassment Law in the United States," Eighth Sino-American Dialogue on the Rule of Law and Human Rights, Beijing, China (December 3-4, 2018) (English; Chinese).

“Fighting Labor Exploitation on U.S. Soil — Chinese Construction Workers in Saipan,” Institute for Human Rights, Chinese University of Political Science and Law, Beijing, China (November 29, 2018).

“Expert intensive primer: Key findings from global studies of migrant worker-oriented technology,” Issara Institute, Bangkok, Thailand (November 8, 2018).

“Worker and advocate perspectives: How can/should business share responsibility with the State to protect human and labour rights, in concrete terms?” Issara Institute, Bangkok, Thailand (November 7, 2018).

Panelist/Moderator, “Around the World on One Belt, One Road: Foreign Capital Competition, Human Rights, and Development in the Twenty-First Century,” NYU Journal of International Law and Politics (JILP) Symposium, NYU School of Law, New York, NY (October 18, 2018).

“Fighting Human Trafficking and Labor Exploitation on U.S. Soil: Chinese Construction Workers in Saipan,” Center for the Study of Slavery and Justice, Brown University, Providence, RI (October 16, 2018) (link).

“Saipan 20 Years Later,” UNITE HERE, New York, NY (September 24, 2018).

“Work along the Belt and Road: What the Saipan casino case shows about the impact of Chinese investment on local labor standards,” The Belt and Road Initiative and Global Governance, University of Leuven, Brussels, Belgium (August 31, 2018).

"20+ Years, Slow Change: Saipan 2018," Elevate Leadership Series 2018, New York, NY (August 2, 2018).

Panelist, "Fashion for Freedom," Free the Slaves, New York, NY (July 28, 2018).

Moderator, "How Business can Tackle Modern Slavery and Forced Labor," Innovation Forum, New York, NY (June 12, 2018).

"Forced Labor and Wage Theft in Saipan," American Bar Association Section of Labor & Employment LawInternational Labor and Employment Law Committee, Midyear Meeting, Milan, Italy (May 8, 2018).

Moderator, "Harnessing the Entrepreneurial Spirit: Non-Profits and Social Enterprises," Harvard China Law Association Han Kun Symposium, Harvard Law School, Cambridge, MA (April 12, 2018).

"Legal Preemption in China: How Government Legal Aid Squeezed Out Barefoot Lawyers and Labor Non-Governmental Organizations," Law Faculty Seminar, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS (March 5, 2018).

"Fighting Human Trafficking and Labor Exploitation in a U.S. Commonwealth: Chinese Construction Workers in Saipan," University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS (March 5, 2018).

Moderator, "Human Rights in the Supply Chain," Ace Hotel, New York, NY (February 7, 2018) (part of New York Fashion Week).

谁来代理中国劳动着? ["Who Will Represent China's Workers?"], Institute for Labor Law and Social Insurance Law, Peking University Law School, Beijing, China (November 29, 2017) (in Mandarin).

美国反歧视法:立法,判例与机制 ["Anti-Discrimination Law in the United States: Legislation, Jurisprudence and Enforcement"], Institute for Human Rights, China University of Political Science and Law, Beijing, China (November 28, 2017) (in Mandarin).

"Labor and Employment Law Compliance Issues in the United States," Overseas Employment Compliance Management and Risk Control, Shanghai, China (November 24, 2017) (in Mandarin).

"Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice: Inadequate Legal Representation and Police Brutality," Seventh Sino-American Dialogue on the Rule of Law and Human Rights, New York, NY (November 14-15, 2017).

"Legal Preemption in China: How Government Legal Aid Squeezed Out Barefoot Lawyers and Labor Non-Governmental Organizations," China Economy Seminar, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA (October 25, 2017).

"Developing Quantitative Performance Metrics for Labor Dispute Resolution Mechanisms: China's Courts as Case Study," Regulating for Decent Work Conference, International Labor Organization, Geneva, Switzerland (July 5, 2017).

"Legal Preemption in China: How Government Legal Aid Squeezed Out Barefoot Lawyers and Labor Non-Governmental Organizations," Labor Law Research Network (LLRN) Conference, Toronto, ON (June 27, 2017).

"Book Presentation: Resolving Individual Labour Disputes: A Comparative Overview," Labor Law Research Network (LLRN) Conference, Toronto, ON (June 26, 2017).

"Who Will Represent China's Workers?" JunHe - Employment Law Practice Group, Shanghai, China (January 11, 2017).

"Who Will Represent China's Workers?" Harvard University Club of New York City, New York, NY (April 4, 2017).

"Approaches to New Labor Issues in the U.S.: Case Study of Nail Salon Workers in NYC," Nanjing University Law School, Nanjing, China (January 7, 2017).

"China's Labor Challenges," Council on Foreign Relations, New York, NY (December 14, 2016).

"Who Will Represent China's Workers?" (video), National Committee on U.S.-China Relations, New York, NY (December 1, 2016).

"Who Will Represent China's Workers?" Asian Affairs Committee, New York City Bar Association, New York, NY (November 29, 2016).

"The Changing Labor and Legal Landscape in China," Congressional-Executive Commission on China (CECC), Washington, DC (November 7, 2016).

"The Changing Labor and Legal Landscape in China," Fair Labor Association (FLA), Washington, DC (November 4, 2016).

"Operating Landscape in China," Social Accountability International (SAI) Advisory Board Meeting, New York, NY (October 26, 2016).

"Who Will Represent China's Workers? Lawyers, Legal Aid, and the Representation Gap," Harvard Law School, Cambridge, MA (September 26, 2016).

"China's Changing Legal and Labor Landscape," 2016 Elevate Leadership Series, New York, NY (August 4, 2016).

"A Time of Crisis? Recent Developments in Chinese Labor Relations," Young China Watchers, New York, NY (July 11, 2016).

"The Shifting Landscape for Enforcing Workers Rights in China," SAI: Social Accountability International, New York, NY (May 23, 2016).

"Mediation and Arbitration of Labor Disputes in Mainland China," American Bar Association Section of Labor & Employment Law, Hong Kong, PRC (May 4, 2016).

"Navigators," Beyond Elite Law: Access to Civil Justice in America, NYU Law School (April 29, 2016).

"The Shifting Landscape for Enforcing Workers Rights in China," PVH, New York, NY (April 12, 2016).

"China's Growing Labor Turmoil," NYU Law School (April 6, 2016).

"Government-Sponsored Legal Aid and the Role of Labor NGOs in China: A Story of Displacement?", The Global Transformation of Work: Market Integration, China's Rise, and Labor AdaptationRutgers University (March 17, 2016).

"The Shifting Landscape for Enforcing Workers Rights in China," City University of New York (CUNY) (March 1, 2016).

"Legal Aid in China: A Roundtable Discussion on Recent Developments," Columbia University Law School (February 3, 2016).

"Worker Rights in US Nail Salons," Long Institute, UC Irvine Law School (January 21, 2016).

"Protecting the Rights of Chinese Workers: Emerging Legal Issues and Evolving Avenues for Redress," Long Institute, UC Irvine Law School (January 20, 2016).

"Roadmap for Myanmar's Labour Law Reform Process," Stakeholders Forum on Labour Law Reform and Institutional Capacity Building, Yangon, Myanmar (May 18, 2015).

"Protecting the Legal Rights of Chinese Workers: A Mapping of Legal Issues and Avenues for Recourse in Several Chinese Cities,” Ford Foundation, Beijing, China (December 11, 2015).

Aaron was part of the American delegation to the "Sixth Sino-U.S. Dialogue on the Rule of Law and Human Rights" in Beijing, China (December 7-8, 2015).

"Should the Law on Tipping be Changed?" (video), NYU Law School, New York, NY (December 2, 2015).

“Protecting the Legal Rights of Chinese Workers: A Mapping of Legal Issues and Avenues for Recourse in Several Chinese Cities,” University of Florence – Prato Campus, Prato, Italy (November 21, 2015).

ILO-JILPT Seminar on Prevention and Resolution Mechanisms for Individual Labour Disputes, JILPT, Tokyo, Japan (February 22-23, 2015).

"Worker Centers: A New Form of Worker Organization?," NYU Law School, New York, NY (November 6, 2014).

"Focus on Dispatch Workers," Electronics Industry Citizenship Coalition Conference (EICC), Shenzhen, China (June 18, 2014). 

"Focus on Student Workers," Electronics Industry Citizenship Coalition Conference (EICC), Shenzhen, China (June 18, 2014).

“Proving the Employment Relationship in the United States,” U.S.-Asia Law Institute Labor Law Conference, Shanghai, China (June 13–14, 2014).

“Introduction to East Asian Legal Systems,” NYU Law School, New York, NY (November 13, 2012).

“Representing Chinese Workers in Labor Disputes: A Discussion of Policymaking, Implementation and Advocacy,” Harvard Law School, Cambridge, MA (October 25, 2012).          

“Retaliation Roundtable,” National Employment Lawyers Association-New York Chapter, New York, NY (October 14, 2011).

“The Recent Changes to Chinese Employment Laws: Are they Consistent with a View of Declining Worker Rights under Globalization?”  Labor and Employment Relations Association (LERA) Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA (January 2009).

“Will China Comply with International Labor Law,” Council on Foreign Relations, New York, NY (November 11, 2008).

“Migration and State Protection,” Changing Faces of Labor and Employment in China, Cornell University School of Industrial and Labor Relations, Ithaca, NY (September 26-28, 2008).

“Getting Paid: Chinese Migrant Workers’ Struggle to Enforce Their Labor Rights,” Fairbank Center, Harvard University (February 28, 2008).

“Mediation Styles in the US and China,” Sino-US Seminar on the Mediation of Labor Disputes, People’s University, Beijing, PRC (November 25, 2005) (in Chinese).

“The Resurgence of People’s Mediation? New Developments and Outstanding Issues,” Faculty of Law, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, PRC (January 27, 2005).